Basic Information About Bail Bonds

Basic Information About Bail Bonds

Under certain circumstances, a court may allow a person who has been charged with a crime to remain free until trial. Obviously, a person must remain in custody when he is a potential danger to himself or to others.

In most other situations, however, an individual may be allowed to avoid spending time in jail if there is reason to believe that he will not leave the jurisdiction prior to trial. In its discretion, a court may require that a sum of money, known as bail, be paid in order to help ensure that flight does not occur. Monroe County bail bonds are commonly used to accomplish that purpose.


The decision to allow bail depends upon the circumstances of the case. Does the person in question have long-established ties to the community?

What impact would his flight have on family or friends? Is he employed? Does he have a stable lifestyle? What is his background? All of these factors enter into the mix.

Amount of Bail

The amount of the bail usually falls within the broad discretion of the court. While the gravity of the crime at issue is a critical factor, the financial situation of the individual involved also plays a vital role in determining the amount. The court’s objective is to find an amount that will deter the individual from fleeing the jurisdiction.  At the same time, the court doesn’t want to set an amount that would impose a hardship on the individual(s) who may be providing the money for bail.

Bondsman Operations

A licensed bondsman is familiar with all of the paperwork and procedures that are involved in properly posting a bond. The bondsman will post a bond for a percentage of the amount of bail required by the court while taking the necessary steps to ensure that he is financially protected if the individual in question runs away. The fee for this service is usually a percentage of the full amount of the court-ordered bail.