If you’re considering divorce, you’re likely stressed, sad, and unsure what to do. You likely have emotions running all over the place and want to make sure that your best interests are remembered during the divorce process. You might be surprised to find that there are many different types of divorces, so you should find the one that best fits your situation.
Summary Divorce
Sometimes, you might find that your marriage doesn’t last long before you realize that you aren’t right for each other, and you might qualify for a summary divorce. The qualifications for a summary divorce are:
- Married less than five years
- Both agree to the divorce
- Don’t have many joint assets
- Don’t have any children
A summary divorce is preferred over some other options because it requires much less paperwork and can often be done without a lawyer.
Uncontested Divorce
An uncontested divorce Tampa is one where you and your spouse settle your issues yourselves before you file for divorce. You’ll decide how much child support and alimony should be paid and how to divide your property. You’ll also decide who gets custody of the kids and what kind of visitation arrangement you will have. Then, when you’ve reached your final agreement and write it into your separation agreement.
When you have your separation agreement completed, you can file for divorce. Courts typically fast-track uncontested divorces because everything has already been hashed out, and they require less work.
Mediated Divorce
If you and your spouse are having a hard time resolving some of your issues in the divorce, then you might want to consider working with a mediator. A mediator is a neutral third party that will help you and your spouse work through any roadblocks that you might have in deciding on issues in your divorce. Successful mediation typically ends with a completed separation agreement.